Program Fit

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Guide for Technical Assistance Providers Working with Promoting Science-Based Approaches in Teen Pregnancy Prevention Using Getting to Outcomes

May 15, 2015

We developed a comprehensive guide that will bolster your knowledge and sharpen your skills providing technical assistance and collaborating with program staff on Promoting Science-Based Approaches in Teen Pregnancy Prevention using Getting To Outcomes® (PSBA-GTO®). The guide includes common issues TAPs experience, suggested solutions, resources, and tools so that you can effectively guide implementation partners…

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Making Evidence-Based Sexual Health Education Work in Schools (MESHEWS)

March 16, 2017

Making Evidence-Based Sexual Health Education Work in Schools (MESHEWS) is a companion to the PSBA-GTO manual, building on the PSBA-GTO process to reflect the unique needs of education agencies. In particular, it adds and tailors guidance related to the following tasks: Using data to select schools with students at disproportionate risk of teen pregnancy and…

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Program Fit Checklist

October 4, 2016

Fit What modifications, or adaptations, should be made to fit the program or best practices with your needs? Reviewing for fit takes the few programs you selected when you looked into best practices (usually 2-4 interventions) and checks if they match the needs and values of participating youth and the surrounding community. Distinguishing a good…

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