Capacity-Building Assistance

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Training: Teaching Strategies for Sex Education

April 2, 2018

Why do we need to use a variety of teaching strategies when teaching sex education? Which ones work best, and why? What can go wrong, and what can we do about it? This training will help instructors answer all of these questions, and feel more competent to deliver engaging and interactive sex education. Want to… Read more

Training: LGBTQ+ 101

How can sex educators ensure that students of all sexualities and genders feel 'seen' and affirmed?  This training will cover the basic knowledge instructors need to feel competent leading discussions and answering questions, and will help build skills to create inclusive environments. Want to learn more? Whether you’re looking for a training or perhaps more… Read more

Training: Creating a Comfortable Climate

This training helps sex education instructors ensure they are using best practices when it comes to setting the tone for discussions, answering questions, preventing challenging situations, and managing them effectively if they do occur. Want to learn more? Whether you’re looking for a training or perhaps more in-depth technical assistance on creating a comfortable climate… Read more