Honoring LGBTQ+ People as Equal

Date: June 13, 2016

A Statement of Inclusion

Healthy Teen Network declares it way past time to let go of fear of LGBTQ+ people once and for all and let love reign in its stead.

Fear manifests itself in health and socioeconomic disparities among the LGBTQ+ population compared to their heterosexual peers, including in substance use, HIV disease, suicide, and homelessness. And fear manifests itself in public policies (approved by fear-motivated policymakers) that discriminate against people who identify as a member of an other-than-heterosexual sexuality- or gender identity-based culture group.

We believe in a world with adolescents and young adults leading healthy and fulfilling lives, and that includes young people who identify as LGBTQ+.

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Citation: Healthy Teen Network. (2016). Honoring LGBTQ People as Equal. Baltimore: Author.


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