Finding Common Ground: An Overview on Key Conservative Principles to Support Shared Goals for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health

Date: September 14, 2017

A shifted landscape of new or strengthened power players (particularly those who lean conservative) at all levels of government, combined with threats to public health investments that our nation’s youth are facing, necessitates a reinvigorated call to public policy action by individuals and organizations that support youth and their families.

This issue brief is a tool for our members, offering information and insight into ways to communicate effectively with conservatives and to identify potential areas for common ground in support of adolescent sexual and reproductive health.

This issue brief is part of a project with the goal of increasing the capacity of adolescent health organizations to educate public policymakers at all levels of government on the imperative of sustaining and increasing public investment in positive sexual health education and services for adolescents and young adults. Other project resources include a four-part webinar series, Navigating the Politics of Public Healthavailable online (for members only) as recordings and with accompanying handouts. 

With the changing political climate, it’s important to understand the underlying philosophy and ideas that drive policymakers. While strongly held ideologies will rarely be swayed with rhetoric, by understanding the fundamental principles of conservatism and key areas for agreement, there are opportunities for strengthening relationships with conservative elected officials and key stakeholders. With a focus on shared goals, we can work together to improve outcomes for all young people.

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Citation: Healthy Teen Network. (2017). Issue brief: Finding common ground: An overview on key conservative principles to support shared goals for adolescent sexual & reproductive health. Baltimore: Author.


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