Build Support

Advocating for Programs & Services

Whether you are building support for a new program or service or working to sustain an existing program or service, it’s important to build and maintain relationships with key stakeholders, as well as use effective messages and delivery strategies to mobilize diverse audiences to promote adolescent health.

On a national level, our advocacy efforts are focused around promoting and advancing adolescent sexual and reproductive health programs and services as critical to the well-being of our nation. We understand the need to maintain a spotlight on adolescent sexual and reproductive health and promote understanding of the interplay of the environment on sexual and reproductive health outcomes.

Want help in your efforts to build support for programs and services? We can work with you to…

Develop campaigns, strategies, and materials to support public policy changes at the state or local levels on issues relevant to youth.

Build support and cultivate relationships with key stakeholders, developing positive community engagement.

Write winning grant proposals in support of your fund development efforts.

Share your successes and tell your story, using strategies such as data visualization.

And more!

Healthy Teen Network  develops position statements on relevant issues for  youth as a way to make clear to our varied audiences what we stand for and as a resource to support our and your program development and public policy advocacy efforts.

We encourage you to adopt and adapt these position statements to suit your needs!

Healthy Teen Network communicates our positions on public policy issues to Congress, the President, and executive branch officials through correspondence, testimonies, and statements for the record. Sometimes we communicate positions individually. Other times we communicate our positions with other organizations in the form of sign-on letters. We post copies, here on this page, of recent public policy communications, organized under the themes of health promotion, adolescent sexual and reproductive health, pregnant and parenting teen support, and other.

Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health

Sign-On Letter: FY 20 Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program

Sign-On Letter: FY 20 HIV Appropriations (Chart)

Sign-On Letter: FY 20 Title X Appropriations

Sign-On Letter: FY 20 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Appropriations (House and Senate)

Sign-On Letter: FY 20 Healthy Youth

Pregnant and Parenting Teen Support
Health Promotion

Sign-On Letter: FY 2020 CDC Coalition Appropriations

Sign-On Letter: SAVE for All Statement of Principles

Sign-On Letter: FY 20 FY 2020 CDC Gun Violence Prevention Research Funding (House and Senate)

Sign-On Letter: FY 20 Discretionary Spending

Sign-On Letter: FY 20 HRSA Appropriations

Other Policy Communications

Sign-On Letter: Girls Equity in Education Act

Sign-On Letter: FY 20 Statewide Family Engagement Centers Appropriations Sign On Letter

Sign-On Letter: School-Based Health Centers Reauthorization

Sign-On Letter: FY 20 Funding for Juvenile Justice Programs

Sign-On Letter: Immigrant Parent-Child Separation

Healthy Teen Network belongs to numerous public policy issue advocacy coalitions. By participating in these coalitions and task forces, we bring our perspective and add our voice to groups of organizations with public policy positions akin to ours. In so doing we amplify our individual work and aggregate our influence.


Public Policy Coalitions in which Healthy Teen Network participates include :

Act 4 Juvenile Justice Coalition & Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) Working Group

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Coalition

Child Welfare/Mental Health Coalition

Friends of the Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA)

Girls @ the Margin Alliance

Medicaid Coalition

National Coalition for Homeless Youth

National Coalition for Sexual Health

National Coalition on Women and Girls in Education

National Coalition on Women, Jobs and Job Training

National Safe Schools Partnership

Student Health Advocacy Coalition

Sexuality Education Coalition

We’ve got the resources you need to help you in building support for adolescent sexual and reproductive health programs and services. Check out all our advocacy-related resources, or start with our featured resources, below.

Featured Resources

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